Adrenaline is a hormone that your body releases at times of extreme stress. This means that you’ll often have an adrenaline rush during a traumatic incident, such as a car accident.
This is a natural response by your body because adrenaline can help you survive and your body is definitely focused on survival when the danger is highest. But the problem is that it is often an inappropriate response in modern society, at least in cases with a car accident, and so it can sometimes mask the pain that it’s important for you to feel.
For example, an adrenaline rush can help someone who’s been physically injured far from home if they have to be able to get through the pain while returning – such as an ancient hunter-gatherer. But if someone today was injured in a car accident, masking that pain may just make them think that they are not injured. This could then cause them to decide not to go to the hospital for treatment when they actually do have serious injuries that will only become worse later.
The problem with internal injuries.
This is a problem with all types of injuries, but especially with internal injuries. When someone has an internal injury – such as a subdural hematoma, which is bleeding near the brain – the lack of pain may mean they have no evidence of that injury at the time. It can sometimes get worse, and they only notice the symptoms when things have gotten to be very severe. In this way, the adrenaline rush delays the treatment that person may need.
Those who have suffered serious injuries may be facing high medical bills, and other costs, so they need to know what options they have.