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The financial benefits of divorce

Divorce often comes with a swirl of negative emotions. Louisiana spouses with rocky marriages may be unable to detach themselves from the fact that their relationship is ending in a way they may not have intended. Shedding light on some of the benefits of filing for divorce can give couples

3 basic tenets of divorce in Louisiana

The decision to seek a divorce never comes easily, and in Louisiana, the rules to get a divorce do not necessarily make granting one simple. While the law is not overly complex, you have choices to make when you file. Before initiating the process, you may want to take a

Tips for handling divorce in the workplace

The difficulty of divorce is often compounded when divorcing couples still have to report to their Louisiana employers. Going to work may seem impossible while going through such an emotionally intense ordeal. Both amicable and contentious divorces impact work life in ways a person may not realize. In 2017, Fast Company

What are the requirements to be a foster parent?

If you have an interest in adopting a child in Louisiana, it is a good idea to begin your journey as a foster parent. Many of the children in the foster system eventually become eligible to adopt. This can lead you to the right child naturally while also giving you

Child preference in your custody situation

When going through a divorce, child custody is awarded to a parent based on many factors. Overall, making sure that the best interests of the children are met is always a guaranteed interest of the court. Making sure that any children involved in a custody case are able to grow

Avoid the divorce from hell

Divorce is not an easy process. It can, in fact, put a huge burden on your lifestyle and weigh you down with mounds of stress. Individual perspective undoubtedly can affect a divorce situation. However, your perspective isn’t the only factor in how a divorce process turns out. Attorney J. Benjamin

4 things you can do to prepare for your divorce

Deciding to divorce is rarely easy. Whether you both made the decision jointly, or a chain of events occurred that pushed you into it, the emotional toll it takes is difficult to handle at times. You have kids and a home – all of which must divide between two people. When

How can I co-parent with a difficult ex?

While parenting is rarely easy, for divorced couples in Louisiana it can seem like a constant uphill battle. Both parents must be able to come to terms on child-rearing topics, both for their own sanity and for the benefit of their children. If you find your ex being difficult when

What do you need to know about placing a baby up for adoption?

If you decide to place your baby up for adoption in Louisiana, you may have several questions and concerns regarding the state’s rules for doing so. Considering Adoption strives to make the whole process easier on you by answering your most pressing questions about Louisiana adoption law. Many parents want to

Filing taxes after your divorce

There are so many things to consider in a divorce case: so many ways of dividing and redistributing, and deciding on many factors in your life. These factors include: child support, assets, child custody schedules, and last but not least – taxes. If you don’t take care of your taxes