A serious illness, such as cancer or a stroke, could lead to a divorce. It doesn’t happen in all cases, of course, but studies have found that there is a particular increase in the risk of divorce, especially when women are the ones who are sick. This is not always mirrored when
The marriage is over but the divorce is dragging on. Your frustrations have reached fever-pitch and your life is stuck because you and your spouse cannot see eye-to-eye on pretty much every issue. Clearly, your consternation could be justified. A prolonged divorce can be both emotionally and financially ruinous. And
As a resident of Lafayette, if it seems like more of your friends and neighbors down in New Orleans are getting divorced lately, you might be right. According to a new study, New Orleans is one of just a handful of places where the divorce rate is increasing. The study
Obtaining a divorce is a major decision that can result in significant life changes. Additionally, the divorce process itself can often be stressful, even at the best of times. However, there are precautionary measures available that could help make the divorce transition run more smoothly. Outlined below are three steps
Adopting an infant allows its new parents to create a bond with their new bundle of joy. However, adopting a toddler that has already had some life experiences can call for understanding and patience. The child may have already experienced poverty, abandonment, and possibly abuse. Taking into consideration the unique
Adoptions in Louisiana don’t always involve strangers taking in children from foster care or from other countries. Sometimes, adoption occurs inside an existing family unit. Also known as intrafamily adoptions, these family changes help stabilize a child’s situation and strengthen their legal ties to someone providing care like a parent should.
Not every family grows by adding children. Plenty of modern couples augment their happiness by adding pets or fur babies to their families. Cats and dogs can provide love and companionship and often require significant effort and education, just like children. Couples that have kids can rely on the Louisiana
The decision to adopt a child isn’t something that any parent takes lightly — and parents aren’t likely to adopt in the first place unless they assume that their marriage is solid and will continue to be so for years to come. Unfortunately, that’s not always how life works. There
It’s long been customary for married women in this country to take their spouse’s surname. While that may not always hold true today, it’s still a common practice. So, what does that mean for a married woman that divorces? Can you simply revert to your maiden name or a name
The chances are good that you and your spouse don’t agree about how to split up your property when you divorce. Your debts can also be a source of serious contention. The bigger the debt, the more likely it is that you want help paying it. Whether your spouse will